Fleet Lagoon species list
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This page lists the fish species found in the Fleet. There is very little validated survey data available so this table has been built from the three papers listed at the bottom of the page and from personal observations. Although 29 species are listed, there are likely to be significantly more found in the Fleet.

Location key:
F - Ferrybridge
L - Lower Fleet
N - The Narrows
M - Mid Fleet
U - Upper Fleet

Abundance key:
Red - Abundant
Orange - scarce
Blue - not found
Black - no data

Bass Dicentrarchus labrax red orange blk 1,2
Black-face blenny Tripterygion delaisi 2
Tompot blenny Parablennius gattorugine 2,6
Black bream Spondyliosoma cantharus Orange blk blk blk blk 1,2
Butterfish Pholis gunnellus 3
Dragonet Callionymous lyra 1
Conger eel Conger conger orange blk blk blk 3
Common eel Anguilla anguilla 2,3
Sand eel Ammodytes tobianus 3
Flounder Platicthyus flesus 1,2
Black goby Gobius niger 6
Common goby Pomatoschistus microps orange orange blk blk blk 3
Two-spot goby Gobiusculus flavescens red red blk blk black 2
Rock goby Gobius paganellus 6
Goldsinney Ctenilabrus rupestris orange orange blk blk blk 3
Lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus 2
Thick-lipped grey mullet Chelon labrosus red red red red red 1,2,4
Golden grey mullet Liza aurata 4
Greater pipefish Sygnathus acus 1
Pollack Pollachius pollachius red red blk blk blk 1,2
Scad Trachurus trachurus Orange blk blk blk blk 6
Long-snouted Seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus 6
Shanny Lipophrys pholis 1,2
Sand smelt Atherina presbyter 1
Three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus 3
Fifteen-spine stickleback Spinachia spinachia red blk blk blk 1,2
Ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta 1,2
Corkwing wrasse Crenilabrus melops blk black 1,2


1. Ladle, M. 1981. The fishes of the Fleet. In:The Fleet and Chesil Beach; Structure and biology of a unique coastal feature. Ladle, M. (Ed), Fleet Study Group.

2. Harland, E.J. Personal observation.

3. Cooke,W.C. ????

4. Ladle, M. 1986. The fishes of the Fleet with particular reference to the young stages of the bass (Dicentracus labrus). In: The biology of the Fleet, including the full reference list of the Fleet Study Group. Ladle, M. (Ed). Fleet Study Group.

5. Dyrynda,P. 1986. Subtidal communities within the outer Fleet and Portland Harbour. In: The biology of the Fleet, including the full reference list of the Fleet Study Group. Ladle, M. (Ed). Fleet Study Group.

6. Bass,J.A.B. & Baldock,L. Pers Comm.

Last updated 12/04/2008 ©2007-2008 Chickerell BioAcoustics